Social Media, Arts, & Communications

Open Mic 2022_CEC

Social Media, Arts, & Communications (SMAC) aims to amplify the messages of students, faculty, and community partners via effective media usage and community building. By integrating all three of our namesakes- social media, art, communication- we can build creative spaces that empower and amplify individuals and organizations working toward a more just and equitable tomorrow.  For questions, requests or to get involved, please email CEC Program Coordinator, Tim Lewis


Program Information

Translation and Interpretation Services

If you are in need of document translation and/or live interpretation services , we've compiled a list of local student and community translators available. As someone seeking this service, you are response for securing funding to compensate the individual you are choosing to work with. Limited funding is available through the CEC, please check out our Community Engagement Funding page for more details. 

2024-2025 Translators Contact List

If you are interested in providing document translation and/or live interpretation services please complete the form below!

CEC Language Translator/Interpreter Form


SMAC Support Services

SMAC Support Services provides support for the following requests:

  • Creating Graphics (flyers, logos, etc)
  • Social Media Management (posting, reposting, etc)
  • Event Support
  • Photography/Videography
  • etc

Requests are shared with the student and relevant SRX/CE courses for volunteers.

If you are in need fo support please complete the form below!

SMAC Support Services Form

The Activist | Artist in Residence invites one local activist-artist per academic year to promote interdisciplinary platforms of exchange- through facilitating dialogue, sharing knowledge and skills, and generative impactful experience throughout Pitzer Campus. 

Learn more about the AAIR 

Storyteller's Arts and Film Festival

The Storyteller's Festival is an annual Spring event that takes place at Pitzer. The CEC invites local organizations, artists, filmmakers, performers, vendors and more to campus for a day of community, learning and fun!

Details coming soon!

Storyteller's Poetry, Arts, & Film Festival

The Storyteller's Poetry, Arts, & Film Festival is an annual event in collaboration with the Community Engagement Center's, the Activist | Artist in Residence, the Writing Center, the Intercollegiate Media Studies department and faculty across Pitzer's campus. This festival invites students and community members in a day long event showcasing music, art, and poetry. This event includes an Open Mic competition, film screenings, art and vendor exhibitions, a writing workshop and more!


Media and Communications Support

By request from our Community Partners, we are able to connect students with Media related opportunities including but not limited to:

  • Social Media management/support
  • Graphics
  • Event support
  • Media support for community-initiated projects
  • Translation

Whether you are looking for engagement opportunities for your class or on your own. We've compiled a list of volunteer opportunities requested by our community partners. If you are interested in working with any of those listed, please reach out to the contact provided. 

Get Involved

Social Media, Arts, & Communications Pillar Support

Tim Lewis
  • CEC Program Coordinator